3 Mar 2024

To Love or To Be Loved?

 Is it better to love or is it better to be loved? Which one is important? 

Love itself is an intense feeling of deep affection and it has no space for possessiveness. This affection is for anything in this world be it human beings, animals, plants, things yes you name it all. We being human, loving is joyful until it’s not hurting the other one. We can’t love anything/anyone forcefully and the same way we can’t force someone or expect to love back. That’s why I thought to write about this post.

We always love someone who doesn’t love us as much and in the same way in return. It can be devastating but understanding the reason behind it can ease your heart.

"The problem with human attraction is not knowing if it will be returned" - Becca Fitzpatrick

When you love someone, knowingly or unknowingly we start controlling or forcing our thoughts, our relations on the other person. The other one might or might not have the same feelings or thoughts. But we still keep pushing other one to hear us out, follow us and live as per our wish. Sounds familiar? You know how one can call you as their best friend and your response (verbally or in your head) = Are we? or We're best friends now? 

It is the same when someone thought you're his/her lover out of the sudden and you're like what!? Confusing and creepy right.

Never force your thoughts, beliefs , likes, dislikes or anything onto them. If the other person never care about your love, feelings and thoughts then that person was never the one who understood your love. Let that person go silently. I learnt that the hard way.

Then, how to create this special bond? 

I believe that being transparent is the best quality of any relation. Sure, it's hard to speak up sometimes worrying that person might run away after hearing the truth right. Instead of hearing out from anyone else or hiding things from each other, be open and speak up. It is better not to hide anything from the other person you are in love or relation. Again, I learnt this the hard way. Sometimes, if you did not speak up for yourself and someone else will do it on your behalf. Trust me, it gets messier from there. 

If the person really loves you and cares for you being in his/her life, the other one will definitely value and understand the reason behind keeping all straight. If at all the person never understands and still force you for anything they want. then it’s time for you to look onto and try to move on. 

It does not necessarily mean for you to leave the person and start new relation, give time to the person to realize and understand all you were trying to make him/her understand. If the person really loves you, he/she will come back to you and be there happily because hey he/she really loves you and values you in their life right. 

Unfortunately, again I learnt this the hard way, the person never comes back. 

Life is short. We all want to be happy and you know keep everything neat and tidy in this life. 

That is okay. That is perfectly fine too.

To me, to be loved back is definitely an awesome feeling.

To me, when you love, it doesn’t matter, if you get your love in return or not. You should keep loving the person the same way you do. There must be a reason of why you started to love person in the first place right. And at that point, you did not consider whether you will get you love in return. So, why stop?

Remember to love what you have in your life but never force anyone to love back. Love is more than just expecting to be loved back. Spread the love in this world.

Be a reason to the smile on someone’s face.

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