22 Jun 2020

Mooting Experience as Part of Being a Law Student in Malaysia

Mooting is the oral presentation of a legal issue or problem against an opposing counsel and before a judge. It is perhaps the closest experience that a student can have whilst at university to appearing in court.

I remembered when I sat for my degree interview, I told the interviewer that one of the things I look forward to do in my degree is Mooting <3

I love how mooting is based on strong and credible authorities unlike debating. In mooting, we have oral submission/ presentation and also written submission. Yes, you have to draft your arguments. Write it down and the judges and opponents will read it. So, preparation is always the key which I still can't find the right momentum of preparation for written submission. 

I am in my second year of law degree and have only joined 2 external moot competitions so far. Currently preparing for an external moot competition too. It is quite difficult for me to balance my life. Sometimes I feel like mooting takes a chunk of life away. Since most of the substance are something new to me, I have trouble in adapting for every new competition. It's the area of law which I was not familiar with. Hence, I try to limit myself a bit.

I still remember my first competition (NAMCO) in July 2019 and also the feed backs that the judges gave during the first round for me. My opponents won unanimously during the first round. No, not a grudge that I'm holding. I would say, this is just a burning spirit for me to keep going and improve. Plus, I won in the second round. I really did acknowledge all comments given and do better! ;) Unfortunately, the journey stopped there.

Second round with mooters from UKM. Yes, I was too emotional to take a picture for the first round :")

Fast forward to November 2019, I joined another competition.It was the Cyber Law Moot Competition (CLMC) organized by International Islamic University Malaysia's Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) in collaboration with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). It was a rocky beginning. I have no clue about Cyber Law at all and have no interest about it. It never crossed my mind that I will come at a point that I need to learn Cyber Law. There were thoughts of quitting just because I can't understand the substance. It's about self learning. No lectures no tutorials. Just research. 

But I am Farawr for a reason. 
Thank you Katy Perry for a motivational song!

I got the eye of a tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire, 
because I am a champion and you're gonna hear me RAWR!

So, yes. I did it. I went through it. I competed. I won two rounds unanimously and scored as the best speaker for both rounds! 

First round with mooters from UNISZA

Second round with mooters from UKM

Here's my lovely friend who came to support me! Late but better than never. To be fair, she was also organizing an event at her faculty that day. Thank you Jiha! <3

Although my team didn't secure a spot at the next stage, I am still proud of my team nonetheless. I am also proud of myself due to my self improvement. I always tell myself since the beginning that it is never about winning. It's about learning, observing and growing. 

"Winning is not final and losing is never fatal" - Sir Winston Churchill

I cannot deny that mooting is a game changer for me. I got better in speaking, in delivering my arguments, networking with people and researching! My writing skills still have a lot to improve. I am still content with my growth and open to more improvements.

I would like to thank everyone that have been there for me in my mooting journey so far. 

First, my mom who advice me to just go for the moot audition. My dad who will always send me to training during the semester breaks especially in the weekends at the faculty along with my mom and brother.

This picture was taken by me almost a decade ago. We don't have a proper family photo nowadays because someone is very very shy. Guess who? :p

Next, my awesome Papa Panda! He helped me a lot to improve my pace and arguments. Extra life advice as well. Oh, helped me to gain weight too 😀😀

Dr. Irwin <3

Not to forget, this guy who actually helped me (keeping me sane) throughout the whole process of research, creating my arguments, speaking and during the day of the competition too. He literally came to both competitions but we never took a picture together. So, this is the only picture that I got. I took this during NAMCO 2019.

Imran <3

Last but not least, my teammates!

NAMCO 2019

CLMC 2019

I truly cherish all the memories and experience I gained from the competitions and I am looking forward to create more!

Web results

20 Jun 2020


Do you know the World Blood Donation Day is on 14th June every year?

In May 2020, the Health Ministry has called on Malaysians to donate blood as the country’s blood bank stock was low as blood donation and collection efforts were nearly halved due to the movement control order (MCO).

Why our blood supply has to be adequate?

Blood is needed to save lives in times of emergencies such as accidents and to sustain the lives of those with medical conditions.

Nothing is a more precious than gifting your life to someone in liquid form.
Give the gift of life by donating blood 💕

So, I decided to donate blood at University of Malaya Medical Center (UMMC).
As someone who is very scared of needles, it was a smooth process.

Firstly, head to the Department of Transfusion Medicine at UMMC. Yes, you may walk-in. No appointment needed. There will be a form that you need to fill in if you have never donate blood there. Fill in the form and you will be called by a nurse to check your type of blood and your eligibility to donate blood according with the form that you filled in previously. 

If you passed, you will move to another room to check your blood pressure, weight and height.

Then, you can start donate blood! The nurses decide the quantity of your blood that can be donated. 

I donated 350 ml of my blood! 

After you completed the process, they will let you rest. They will also provide you food and beverages to help you gain energy.


1) Must be well and healthy 
2) Age : 
(a) First time donor : 18-60 years old
(b) Regular donor : 18-65 years old
3) Weight : Must be at least 45kg
4) Had a minimum sleep of 5 hours.
5) Had a meal before blood donation.

Number 4 and 5 are very important as it will determine your side effects during and after donating blood. Usual side effects would be dizziness. If you did not take a meal before blood donation, you will feel very dizzy. If you did not sleep for 5 hours before donating, the dizziness can extend to few days.

6) No medical illness
7) Not involved in any high risk activities such as :-
  1. Same gender sex (homosexual)
  2. Bisexual
  3. Had sex with commercial sex worker
  4. Change in sexual partner
  5. Took intravenous drug
  6. A sexual partner of any of the above
8) For female donors, you cannot donate blood if you are pregnant, on your period and breastfeeding.
            Your last menstrual period must be more than 3 days ago.
9) Your last blood donation must be 3 months ago. 

I am looking forward to donate again in December!

You don't need to be doctor to save lives. Just donate blood!

This is me with my lovely friends!

I told them I am glad that they are willing to donate blood with me and safe to say, they will definitely save my life one day when I need them <3